East Spencer Road over South Branch Catatonk Creek Bridge Rehabilitation
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
O. R. Colan Associates, LLC
- Chip Johnson
37 Blueberry Lane
Northfield, NH 03276 - Work: (603) 440-8553
- Mobile: (603) 440-8553
- jjohnson@orcolan.com
RUSH, NY 14539 - Work: (585) 359-9260
- Fax: (585) 359-9132
- devon@cometflasher.com
Specialty Fence Construction LLC
- Wade Whetstone
203 Gorham Ave
Mayfield, NY 18433 - Work: (570) 521-2669
- Mobile: (570) 877-9153
- wade@specialtyfence.net
Vector Construction
- Richard Anderson, Jr
6364 Island Rd
Cicero, NY 13039 - Work: (315) 699-9277
- rfanderson@vectorcorp.net
Structural Services, Inc.
- Jim Jones
603 Gremar Rd
Nazareth, PA 18064 - Work: (610) 866-8108
- jjones@structuralservices.com
Slate Hill Constructors, Inc.
- Jacob Lukacz
6573 Herman Road
Warners, NY 13164 - Work: (315) 672-8055
- Mobile: (315) 672-8055
- jacoblukacz@slatehillconstructors.com
Buffalo Drilling
- Matt Winfield
10440 Main St
Clarence, NY 14031 - Work: (716) 759-7821 Ext. 117
- mwinfield@buffalodrilling.com
Tioga County DPW
- danielle gregrow
477 Rt 96
Owego, NY 13827 - Work: (607) 687-0302
- Fax: (607) 687-4453
- Mobile: (607) 788-4592
- gregrowd@tiogacountyny.gov
Rain For Rent
- Eric Eaton
5626 Tec Dr
Rochester, MD 14414 - Work: (240) 444-2565
- eeaton@rainforrent.com
EMI Guide Rail LLC
- Brandon Barbagelata
693 River Road
Schenectady , NY 12306 - Work: (518) 887-2030
- BBarbagelata@emiguiderail.com
Syrstone, Inc.
- Dale Shults
7395 Taft Park Dr
East Syracuse, NY 13057 - Work: (315) 396-5325 Ext. 13
- Dale@Syrstone.com
Dalrymple Gravel & Contracting Co., Inc.
- Estimating Dept
2105 South Broadway
Pine City, NY 14871 - Work: (607) 737-6200 Ext. 116
- Fax: (607) 767-0841
- Estimating@dalgravel.com
Ken Rauch Excavating Inc.
- Adam Rauch
20025 SR 706
Montrose, PA 18801 - Work: (570) 278-3240
- Fax: (570) 278-9083
- Home: (570) 278-6028
- Mobile: (607) 237-9287
- krexcinc@yahoo.com
Procon Contracting
- John Reilly
PO Box 1037
Vestal, NY 13851 - Work: (607) 748-8331
- Fax: (607) 748-8413
- john.reilly.procon@gmail.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Proshot Concrete Inc
- Danae Cassels
4158 Musgrove Drive
Florence, AL 35634-0000 - Work: (256) 764-5941 Ext. 1
- danae@proshotconcrete.com
Economy Paving Co., Inc
- Jennifer Jump
1819 NYS Route 13
Cortland, NY 13045 - Work: (607) 756-2819
- Fax: (607) 756-4742
- jjump@economypaving.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
- David Torres
453 Ziegler St, Dupont, PA 18641
Dupont, PA 18641 - Work: (570) 817-1146
- dtorres@minichiconstruction.com
Minichi, Inc.
- Tom Stepanski
453 Ziegler Street
Dupont, PA 18641 - Work: (570) 654-8332
- Fax: (570) 654-8322
- Mobile: (570) 237-0172
- tstepanski@minichiconstruction.com
R DeVincentis Construction
- Nicholas DeVincentis
One Brick Avenue
Binghamton, NY 13901 - Work: (160) 772-3431
- Fax: (607) 723-9539
- Rdevincentisconstr@ONEBRICKAVENUE.COM
Power Line Constructors, Inc.
- James Moorehead
P.O. Box 385
24 Robinson Road
Clinton, NY 13323 - Work: (315) 853-6183
- jmoorehead@powerlineconstructors.com
Watson Bowman Acme Corp
- Joann Sykes
95 Pineview Drive
Amherst, NY 14228 - Work: (716) 817-5462
- joann.sykes@watsonbowmanacme.com
The Builders Exchange of The Southern Tier- East
- Olivia Weist
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- olivia@bxstier.com
- Scott Verrall
825 Rein Rd
Cheektowaga, NY 14225 - Work: (716) 204-9761
- Mobile: (716) 818-0203
- sverrall@amstarwny.com
Rover Contracting Inc.
- Keith Newkirk
251 Upper North Rd
Highland, NY 12528 - Work: (845) 834-2620
- knewkirk@rovercontracting.com
O. H. Striping, Inc.
- Jeffrey Bly
11217 River Road
Corning, NY 14830 - Work: (607) 377-9343
- Fax: (607) 358-4071
- o.h.striping@gmail.com
Ameristar Perimeter Security
- Tom Legerski
1555 N Mingo Rd
Tulsa, OK 74116 - Work: (918) 906-7243
- Mobile: (918) 906-7243
- tlegerski@ameristarfence.com
Atlantic Testing Laboratories
- Stefanie Taplin
3495 Winton Place - Bldg. B
Rochester, NY 14623 - Work: (585) 427-9020 Ext. 2508
- Mobile: (585) 351-1228
- staplin@atlantictesting.com
Erie Painting and Maintenance, Inc.
- Chris Nachreiner
999 Rein Road
Cheektowaga, NY 14225 - Work: (716) 634-6746
- Fax: (716) 634-0883
- Mobile: (716) 289-1520
- cnachreiner@eriepaint.com
Bette & Cring, LLC
- Matthew Schmitt
22 Century Hill Drive Suite 201
Latham, NY 12110 - Work: (518) 213-1010
- Fax: (518) 213-1050
- mschmitt@bettecring.com
cold river bridges
- chad contaldi
10 Lanbro Lane, Unit # 2
walpole, NH 03605 - Work: (802) 355-1898 Ext. 2
- Fax: (603) 756-9303
- Mobile: (802) 355-1898
- chad@coldriverbridges.com
Bothar Construction
- Bill Terrell
170 E Service Rd
Binghamton, NY 13901 - Work: (607) 723-5012
- Fax: (607) 723-4982
- bill@botharconst.com