Arnold Palmer Regional Airport - Contract No. 144 New Gate 1 PBB
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
MRS Airfield Lights & Supplies, LLC
- Shelly Schindewolf
48 Main Street
Waretown, NJ 08758 - Work: (609) 259-5720
- Fax: (609) 259-2152
- shelly@mrselectricalsupplies.com
Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC
- Taylor Sinclair
20128 NY12F
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 583-6111
- Home: (315) 583-6111
- taylor.sinclair@hi-lite.com
Eynon, PA 18403 - Work: (570) 840-2876 Ext. _____
- jjoyce7609@aol.com
Colonial Fence & Guardrail
- Erin Greaney
26 Franklin St
Wrentham, MA 02093 - Work: (508) 641-9762
- erin@colonialfenceandguardrail.com
Grahamboys, LLC dba Graham Construction
- Megan Graham
16 Dutch Fork Church Rd
Claysville, PA 15323 - Work: (724) 566-3244
- megan@graham-construction.net
Jobsite Products, Inc.
- Amy Mulholland
4321 Township Line Road
Skippack, PA 19474 - Work: (609) 828-4272
- amulholland@jobsiteproducts.com
The Fourth River Company
- David Brown
1121 Dexter Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 - Work: (412) 922-6252
- Fax: (412) 922-6252
- dmb@fourthriver.com
Altoona Builders Exchange
- Amber Parisi
1927 Union Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601 - Work: (814) 944-5444
- aparisi@altoonabx.com
Airport Lighting Company
- Tim Scimone
108 Fairgrounds Drive
Manlius, NY 13104 - Work: (315) 239-5405
- tim.scimone@airportlightingcompany.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Darlene Baker-Mann
4300 Beltway Place, Ste# 150
Arlington, TX 76018 - Work: (413) 548-8188
- Fax: (609) 336-2767
- dodge.docs@construction.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Dabico Airport Solutions
- Gabriel Figuera
5740 Decatur Blvd.
Indianapolis, IN 46241 - Work: (463) 900-4756
- Mobile: (657) 705-5930
- gabriel.figuera@dabico.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Blackout One, LLC
- Donna Jeffery
1303 Alpen Strasse
Latrobe, PA 15650 - Work: (724) 539-3200
- Mobile: (724) 309-0809
- blackoutonedonna@gmail.com
KGD Contracting Inc.
- Bud Jr Deguffroy
308 Montague Rd. Addison , Pa. 15411
Addison 15411, PA 15411 - Work: (412) 897-8945
- Fax: (724) 219-3042
- Mobile: (724) 875-0752
- Deguffroy411@gmail.com
KTH Architects Inc.
- Candice Maines
1741 Kiwanis Trail
DuBois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 371-1541
- cmaines@ktharch.com
Allegheny Construction Group, Inc.
- Anne Geraud
100 Commercial Street
PO Box 425
Bridgeville, PA 15017 - Work: (412) 221-0500
- Fax: (412) 221-0188
- ageraud@acginc.com
Oshkosh AeroTech, LLC
- Michael Lyons
4074 S 1900 W
Roy, UT 84067 - Work: (801) 247-4196
- mlyons@oshkoshaerotech.com
Dabico A-Bridge LLC
- Michael Richards
5425 Poindexter Drive
Indianapolis, IN 46235 - Work: (304) 680-6329
- michael.richards@dabico.com
Powerhouse Management 2023 LTD
- Mark Gleason
#5-4104 Fairview St – Suite 453
Burlington, ON L7L 4Y8 - Work: (289) 259-6222
Redwood Construction
- Tj Miller
586 Maryland Ave
Washington , PA 15301 - Work: (724) 229-3393
- Fax: (724) 229-3565
- Mobile: (724) 263-3384
- TjMiller@Redwood.Construction
VRH Construction
- Tim Karl
320 Grand Ave
Englewood, NJ 07631-4335 - Work: (201) 871-4422 Ext. 208
- Mobile: (551) 219-7251
- t.karl@vrhcorp.com
Ford Audio Video Systems LLC
- Kevin Ray
4800 W. I-40 Service Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73128 - Work: (405) 946-9966
- rayk@fordav.com