Martha's Vineyard Airport - Ancillary Equipment Procurement
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
New Path Group LLC
- Mark Meagher
1117 Douglas Ave.
Unit 302
North Providence, RI 02904 - Work: (508) 685-7054
- markm@newpassgrp.com
Western Industrial Contractors
- Larry Nau
25755 E 65th Ave
Aurora, NY 80019 - Work: (303) 915-4530
- Fax: (303) 371-0105
- lnau@westerncon.com
- Mary Miller
1900 Coffeeport Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32208-321 - Work: (408) 676-8941 Ext. 408
- bids@pwxpress.com
Lappen Auto Supply Co., Inc. dba Lappens Garage Equipment
- Harris Lappen
22 Bristol Drive South Easton MA
South Easton, MA 02375 - Work: (781) 341-8040 Ext. 204
- harris@lappens.com
MES Service Company,LLC
- Todd Gasparri
12 Turnberry Ln, 2nd Floor
Sandy Hoon, CT 06482 - Work: (203) 364-0620
- tgasparri@mesfire.com
Dabico Airport Solutions Inc
- Patricia Cabarcos
5740 Decatur Blvd
Indianapolis, IN 46241 - Work: (305) 240-0952
- Mobile: (305) 240-0952
- patricia.cabarcos@dabico.com
Ahearn Equipment
- DAVID Conero
45 Ross Hill Rd
SPENCER, CT 01562 - Work: (508) 885-7085
- Mobile: (845) 541-6145
- dconero@ahearnequipment.com
Blackridge Research & consulting
- Venkatesh Siva
4041 w Hollow Creek Drive,
Peoria , IL 61615 - Work: (917) 993-7467
- Fax: (917) 993-7467
- venkatesh@blackridgeresearch.com
W.S Darley & Co.
- William Taylor
325 Spring Lake Dr
Itasca, IL 60143 - Work: (630) 735-3500
- Mobile: (850) 398-2349
- willtaylor@darley.com
industrial protection services
- cindy murphy
33 northwestern dr
Salem, NH 03079 - Work: (603) 685-8007
- cmurphy@ipp-ips.com