William T. Piper Memorial Airport Contract No. 2024-1 - Install Self-Serve Fuel System
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Francis Smith and Sons
- Bill Beach
5937 Rossier Rd
Canandaigua, NY 18447 - Work: (800) 543-2429
- Mobile: (585) 217-3810
- bbeach@fsmithandsons.com
T2 Engineering Services, P.C.
- John Lentini
7 Neil Court
Oceanside, NY 11572 - Work: (609) 288-7085
- Mobile: (609) 949-3540
- john.lentini@t2ue.com
Gateway Industrial Solutions
- Chris Pajak
221 Evans Way Suite D
Branchburg, NJ 08876 - Work: (908) 255-4351
- chris@gateway-is.com
HRI, Inc.
- HRI Estimating
1750 West College Avenue
State College, PA 16801 - Work: (814) 238-5071
- Mobile: (814) 636-7720
- estimating@hriinc.com
Dave Gutelius Excavating Inc.
291 N. 8th Street
Mifflinburg, PA 17810 - Work: (570) 966-5431
- julsamer@guteliusinc.com
- Ardy Ballard
PO Box 308
Titusville, FL 32781 - Work: (321) 567-4967 Ext. 102
- Mobile: (321) 961-7796
- ardy@aba-con.com
Jobsite Products, Inc.
- Amy Mulholland
4321 Township Line Road
Skippack, PA 19474 - Work: (609) 828-4272
- amulholland@jobsiteproducts.com
The Fourth River Company
- David Brown
1121 Dexter Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15220 - Work: (412) 922-6252
- Fax: (412) 922-6252
- dmb@fourthriver.com
Charles Construction Co
- Jennifer Shaffer
838 E Central Ave
Jersey Shore, PA 17740-7014 - Work: (570) 753-3595
- charlescco@comcast.net
QTO Solutions
- shaharyar AKRAM
Olympia, WA 99301 - Work: (312) 544-0023
- Mobile: (312) 544-0023
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Darlene Baker-Mann
4300 Beltway Place, Ste# 150
Arlington, TX 76018 - Work: (413) 548-8188
- Fax: (609) 336-2767
- dodge.docs@construction.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Blackridge Research & consulting
- Venkatesh Siva
4041 w Hollow Creek Drive,
Peoria , IL 61615 - Work: (917) 993-7467
- Fax: (917) 993-7467
- venkatesh@blackridgeresearch.com
Eynon, PA 18403 - Work: (570) 840-2876 Ext. _____
- jjoyce7609@aol.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Swank Construction Company, LLC
- Sonya Schultheis
632 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068 - Work: (724) 335-6000
- Fax: (724) 335-3834
- Mobile: (724) 323-7350
- sonya@swankco.com
HRI, Inc.
- Bruce Mackin
1750 West College Ave
State College, NY 16801 - Work: (814) 278-6949
- bmackin@hriinc.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier
- Builder's Exchange of the Southern Tier
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- Fax: (607) 771-7001
- info@bxstier.com
Altoona Builders Exchange
- Amber Parisi
1927 Union Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601 - Work: (814) 944-5444
- aparisi@altoonabx.com
- Scott Olson
1750 West College Avenue
State College, PA 16801 - Work: (814) 238-5071
- Mobile: (814) 404-1360
- solson@hriinc.com
M. Scher & Son, Inc.
- John Schwarz
1 Prospect Avenue
Albany, NY 12206 - Work: (518) 462-5544
- jschwarz@m-scher.com
Powerhouse Management 2023 LTD
- Mark Gleason
#5-4104 Fairview St – Suite 453
Burlington, ON L7L 4Y8 - Work: (289) 259-6222
Airport Lighting Company
- Tim Scimone
108 Fairgrounds Drive
Manlius, NY 13104 - Work: (315) 239-5405
- tim.scimone@airportlightingcompany.com
HRI Inc.
- Barry Wilcher
1750 West College Ave
STATE COLLEGE, PA 16801 - Work: (814) 470-6807
- Mobile: (814) 470-6807
- bwilcher@hriinc.com
Glenn O Hawbaker Inc.
- Taylor Hawbaker
1952 Waddle Road
State College, PA 16803 - Work: (814) 272-0837
- tph@goh-inc.com