Martha's Vineyard Airport - Airfield Pavement Markings
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Trusted hands
- Ray West
201 n union
Alexandria , VA 22314 - Work: (908) 884-3239
- Rwest@trustedhands.community
New Path Group LLC
- Mark Meagher
1117 Douglas Ave.
Unit 302
North Providence, RI 02904 - Work: (508) 685-7054
- markm@newpassgrp.com
T2 Engineering Services, P.C.
- John Lentini
7 Neil Court
Oceanside, NY 11572 - Work: (609) 288-7085
- Mobile: (609) 949-3540
- john.lentini@t2ue.com
O. H. Striping, Inc.
- Jeffrey Bly
11217 River Road
Corning, NY 14830 - Work: (607) 377-9343
- Fax: (607) 358-4071
- o.h.striping@gmail.com
Ostrom Painting & Sandblasting, Inc.
- Wayne Guinee
1110 8th Ave
Rock Island, IL 61201 - Work: (309) 524-6375
- Mobile: (563) 529-0893
- airfield@ostrompainting.com
Safety Marking LLC
- Carly Thomas
255 Hancock Avenue
Bridgeport, CT 06605 - Work: (203) 814-3423
- cthomas@safetymarking.net
- Karen Fitzgerald
18 Graf Rd
Suite 8
Newburyport, MA 01950 - Work: (978) 499-9014
- Fax: (978) 499-9016
- addenda@projectdog.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
- Mary Miller
1900 Coffeeport Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32208-321 - Work: (408) 676-8941 Ext. 408
- bids@pwxpress.com
MetroExpress Services, Inc.
- Michael Strasser
54-35 48th Street
Maspeth, NY 11378 - Work: (347) 203-3861
- Mobile: (347) 203-3861
- mstrasser@metrocleanexpress.com
Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC
- Taylor Sinclair
20128 NY12F
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 583-6111
- Home: (315) 583-6111
- taylor.sinclair@hi-lite.com
Markings Inc.
- Alicia Climer
30 Riverside Dr.
Pembroke, MA 02359 - Work: (781) 826-5171
- alicia@markingsinc.com
Hi Way Safety Systems, Inc.
- Kathy DeLong
9 Rockview Way
Rockland, MA 02370 - Work: (781) 982-9229
- Fax: (781) 982-9226
- bids@hiwayss.com
QTO Solutions
- shaharyar AKRAM
Olympia, WA 99301 - Work: (312) 544-0023
- Mobile: (312) 544-0023
Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC
- Mike VanWormer
20128 NYS Rte 12F
P.O. Box 597
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 583-6111 Ext. 233
- Fax: (315) 777-8720
- mike.vanwormer@hi-lite.com
Airport Lighting Company
- Tim Scimone
108 Fairgrounds Drive
Manlius, NY 13104 - Work: (315) 239-5405
- tim.scimone@airportlightingcompany.com