Grove City Airport Contract No.16 - Snow Removal Equipment Building
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
O'Connor Company of NC
- Nick Miller
312 Fields Dr
Aberdeen, NC 28315 - Work: (910) 944-0600
- nmiller@buildoconnor.com
Blair Construction LLC
- Nicole Branan
5639 Emlenton Clintonville Rd
Emlenton, PA 16373 - Work: (724) 664-4403
- office@blairconstructionllc.com
S.E.T Inc.
- Richard Shontz
235 East Water Street
Lowellville, OH 44436 - Work: (330) 536-6724
- Mobile: (330) 219-9840
- Richard@setinc.biz
Grahamboys, LLC dba Graham Construction
- Megan Graham
16 Dutch Fork Church Rd
Claysville, PA 15323 - Work: (724) 566-3244
- megan@graham-construction.net
Hudson Construction
- Bryan Saeler
1625 Dutch lane
Hermitage, PA 16148 - Work: (724) 962-1980
- bsaeler@hudsonconstruction.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
North Suburban Tree Service
- Rebecca McElhattan
1102 Middlesex Rd
Gibsonia, PA 15044 - Work: (724) 443-6300
- becky@northsuburbantree.com
Technology International, Inc.
- Rifat Habib
1349 South International Pkwy,
Suite 2411,
Lake Mary, FL 32746 - Work: (407) 359-2373
- Fax: (407) 359-2372
- tii@tii-usa.com
Red Direct
- Michele Palma
104 Broadway Street
Carnegie, PA, PA 15106 - Work: (412) 505-8275
- Mobile: (412) 951-0726
- mpalma@reddirect.com
Glenn O Hawbaker Inc.
- Taylor Hawbaker
1952 Waddle Road
State College, PA 16803 - Work: (814) 272-0837
- tph@goh-inc.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Altoona Builders Exchange
- Amber Parisi
1927 Union Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601 - Work: (814) 944-5444
- aparisi@altoonabx.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
McCurley Houston Electric Inc
- Kim Singer
2429 Eastbrook Road
New Castle, PA 16105 - Work: (724) 652-9371
- Fax: (724) 654-5122
- admin@mccurleyhouston.com
Sg Builders LLC
- Joel Silberstein
1200 51 St 190102
Brooklyn, NY 11219 - Work: (716) 676-6333 Ext. 102
- sgbuildersny@gmail.com
Plyler Entry Systems
- Jordan Plyler
8850 Fry Road
McKean, PA 16426 - Work: (814) 476-7717
- jordanp@plylerentry.com
Allegheny Construction Group, Inc.
- Anne Geraud
100 Commercial Street
PO Box 425
Bridgeville, PA 15017 - Work: (412) 221-0500
- Fax: (412) 221-0188
- ageraud@acginc.com
- Brodie Darden
Ocala, FL 34475 - Work: (352) 883-6853
- bdarden.finefinish@gmail.com
- Francis Racioppi
4-74 48th Ave
Apt 24J
Long Island City, NY 11109 - Work: (617) 694-6321
- Mobile: (617) 694-6321
- fran@frsix.com
Powerhouse Management Group Inc.
#1-27355 Gloucester Way
Langley, BC V4W 3Z8 - Work: (250) 702-0280
- Mobile: (250) 702-0280
- julian.matheson@powerhousemgmt.ca
Merit Electrical Group, Inc.
- Andrew Zewe
204 Pennsylvania Avenue
Oakmont, PA 15139 - Work: (412) 346-0125
- estimating@megpgh.com
Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier
- Builder's Exchange of the Southern Tier
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- Fax: (607) 771-7001
- info@bxstier.com
Rise Construction
- Jordan Clark
1439 Monroe Avenue
Suite 01
Dunmore, PA 18509 - Work: (570) 207-0195
- Home: (570) 218-8335
- Mobile: (570) 815-3242
- jclark@ballinagroup.com
- Joshua Coroa
1287 Windham Pkwy
Romeoville, RI 60446 - Work: (401) 429-3491
- Mobile: (401) 429-3491
- jcoroa@stormtrap.com
- Jeff Munn
5860 Belle Isle Rd
Syracuse, NY 13209 - Work: (315) 488-0262
- Mobile: (315) 952-1395
- jmunn@pascobas.com
Penn State Construction, J&D LLC
- Mathias Miller
27 State Street
Lewistown, PA 17044 - Work: (717) 953-9200
- Mobile: (717) 953-5510
- mmiller@pennstateconstruction.com
Pennsylvania Builders Exchange
- Karen Kleber
1813 North Franklin Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15233 - Work: (412) 922-4200
- Fax: (412) 928-9406
- karen@pbe.org
- Rachel Butler
54 Tunkhannock Ave
Exeter, PA 18643 - Work: (570) 609-2600
- rbutler@designBLD.com
Equip-Co Unlimited of NY LLC
- Jeffrey Glod
2107 State Route 5
Utica, NY 13502 - Work: (315) 316-0475
- Mobile: (315) 525-0308
- jeff@equip-counlimited.com
IA Construction Corporation
- Thomas Xander
24 Gibb Road
Franklin, PA 16323 - Work: (814) 432-3184 Ext. 3108
- Fax: (814) 432-2460
- Mobile: (814) 758-5484
- txander@iaconstruction.com
- Dave Remley
54 Tunkhannock Ave
Exeter, NY 18643 - Work: (570) 609-2600 Ext. 114
- dremley@designbld.com