Hamilton Municipal Airport - Construct Terminal Building Shell
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Powerhouse Management Group Inc.
#1-27355 Gloucester Way
Langley, BC V4W 3Z8 - Work: (250) 702-0280
- Mobile: (250) 702-0280
- julian.matheson@powerhousemgmt.ca
Western Industrial Contractors
- Larry Nau
25755 E 65th Ave
Aurora, NY 80019 - Work: (303) 915-4530
- Fax: (303) 371-0105
- lnau@westerncon.com
Casler Masonry, Inc.
- Daniel Casler
2080 Crane Brook Drive
Auburn, NY 13021 - Work: (315) 253-8871
- dcasler@caslermasonry.com
Miller-Thomas-Gyekis, Inc.
- Jordon Sokolow
3341 Stafford Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15204 - Work: (412) 331-4610
- Fax: (412) 331-8871
- Mobile: (412) 706-2969
- jordon.sokolow@mtgroof.com
Blackridge Research & consulting
- Venkatesh Siva
4041 w Hollow Creek Drive,
Peoria , IL 61615 - Work: (917) 993-7467
- Fax: (917) 993-7467
- venkatesh@blackridgeresearch.com
DC Building Systems
- Bob Porter
19086 US Route 11
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 785-9884
- Fax: (315) 785-9767
- rporter@dc-buildingsystems.com
O'Connell Electric Company, Inc.
- Jeff Pratt
7001 Performance Dr.
North Syracuse, NY 13212 - Work: (315) 766-1004
- Mobile: (315) 263-4447
- jeff.pratt@oconnellelectric.com
Upstate Companies I, LLC
- Laura Pegg
1690 State Hwy 8
Mount Upton, NY 13809 - Work: (607) 867-4025 Ext. 114
- Fax: (607) 764-8448
- Mobile: (607) 437-2757
- laurap@upstatecompany.com
O'Connor Company of NC
- Nick Miller
312 Fields Dr
Aberdeen, NC 28315 - Work: (910) 944-0600
- nmiller@buildoconnor.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
Two Brothers Contracting Inc
- Carrie Genther
7391 Cider Street
PO Box 248
Westmoreland, NY 13490 - Work: (315) 736-5288
- Fax: (315) 736-5405
- carrie@tbcdemo.com
Avolio Brothers LLC
- Dennis Avolio
6053 County Rd 32 P.O.Box247
NORWICH, NY 13815 - Work: (607) 336-5572
- dennis@avoliobrothers.com
Chrisanntha Construction Corp.
- Zac Metcalfe
4661 Dewey Ave
Gorham, NY 14461 - Work: (585) 406-0428 Ext. _____
- Mobile: (585) 406-0428
- zmetcalfe@chrisanntha.com
Bronze Contracting LLC
- Brandon Williams
9188 State Route 12
Remsen, NY 13438 - Work: (315) 896-5084
- Brandon.Bronze@yahoo.com
Beebe Construction Services, Inc.
- Matt Benincasa
6153 Trenton Road
Utica, NY 13502 - Work: (315) 724-6177
- mattb@beebeconstruction.com
Richard E. Alexander Co., Inc.
- Scott Morley
8 Scharbach Drive
Marcy, NY 13403 - Work: (315) 736-3300
- Fax: (315) 736-1666
- smorley@alexandercoinc.com
Syracuse Builders Exchange
- Monica Wallis
6563 Ridings Rd
Syracuse, NY 13206 - Work: (315) 437-9936
- Fax: (315) 437-5044
- mnoble@syrabex.com