Albert S. Nader Regional Airport – On Airport Obstruction Removal
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Builders Exchange of Rochester
- Nicole Gissendanner
180 Linden Oaks
Rochester, NY 14625 - Work: (585) 586-5460
- Fax: (585) 586-1580
- projects@robex.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Rick Whitney
5835 Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 235-3781
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 401-2661
- rwhitney@marcyexcavation.com
SGS Development
- Shane Slingerland
149 Little Lakeview Lane
Sloansville , NY 12160 - Work: (518) 227-8881
- Sgslingerland@gmail.com
- Mike Consalvi
1285 Baring Blvd
Sparks, NY 89434 - Work: (480) 710-2108
- mconsalvi@ecobeton-usa.com
stanwyck avionics inc
- william stanwyck
102 gardnertown road
newburgh, NY 12550 - Work: (845) 561-3263
- Mobile: (914) 213-2511
- wstanwyck@yahoo.com
- Mary Miller
1900 Coffeeport Rd
Jacksonville, FL 32208-321 - Work: (408) 676-8941 Ext. 408
- bids@pwxpress.com
Slate Hill Constructors, Inc.
- Jacob Lukacz
6573 Herman Road
Warners, NY 13164 - Work: (315) 672-8055
- Mobile: (315) 672-8055
- jacoblukacz@slatehillconstructors.com
Maple Ridge Organics LLC
- Jeremy Loucks
741 County Rd 29
Richfield Springs, NY 13439 - Work: (315) 864-4120
- jeremy@mapleridge-organics.com
Atlantic Testing Labs
- Eric Vanalstyne
22 Corporate Drive
Clifton Park, NY 12065 - Work: (315) 244-3325
- evanalstyne@atlantictesting.com
L&O Mechanical
- Eric Schultz
835 Quaker Rd.
Macedon, NY 14502 - Work: (315) 986-4006
- Fax: (315) 986-4044
- esdigum@gmail.com
Stanwyck Avionics Inc.
- William Stanwyck
102 Gardnertown Road
Newburgh, NY 12550 - Work: (845) 561-3263
- Mobile: (845) 857-3125
- wstanwyck3@yahoo.com
Farney Tree & Excavation
- John Farney
7610 yousey road
Croghan , NY 13327 - Work: (315) 346-1191
- Mobile: (315) 783-1161
- farneytree_exc@yahoo.com
LaValley Bros. Construction In.
- Cheryl LaValley
PO Box 208
Wolcott, NY 14590 - Work: (315) 594-8222
- Fax: (315) 594-1245
- lavalleybros@yahoo.com
Rover Contracting Inc.
- Grigorios Bellos
251 Upper North Rd
Highland, NY 12528 - Work: (845) 452-4550
- Fax: (845) 452-4551
- Mobile: (607) 221-3074
- gregjr@rovercontracting.com
Canandaigua Airport
- Bob Mincer
20 Ontario St. Suite 106b
Canandaigua, NY 14424 - Work: (585) 919-2772
- robert.mincer@ontariocountyny.gov
DiFiore Construction, Inc.
- Brian DiFiore
155 Pool St.
Rochester, NY 14606 - Work: (585) 235-2310
- Fax: (585) 235-6305
- bdifiore@difioreconstruction.net
Glenn O Hawbaker Inc.
- Taylor Hawbaker
1952 Waddle Road
State College, PA 16803 - Work: (814) 272-0837
- tph@goh-inc.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Blackridge Research & consulting
- Venkatesh Siva
4041 w Hollow Creek Drive,
Peoria , IL 61615 - Work: (917) 993-7467
- Fax: (917) 993-7467
- venkatesh@blackridgeresearch.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Prime Vendor Inc
- Kim Jones
4622 Cedar Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403 - Work: (800) 746-9554
- Fax: (800) 746-9554
- bids1@prime-vendor.com
North America Procurement Council
- Lyra de Asis
PO Box 40445
Grand Junction, CO 81504 - Work: (302) 450-1923
- Fax: (302) 450-1923
- lyra@napc.me
The Builders Exchange of The Southern Tier- East
- Olivia Weist
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- olivia@bxstier.com
Eynon, PA 18403 - Work: (570) 840-2876 Ext. _____
- jjoyce7609@aol.com
MRS Airfield Lights & Supplies, LLC
- Shelly Schindewolf
48 Main Street
Waretown, NJ 08758 - Work: (609) 259-5720
- Fax: (609) 259-2152
- shelly@mrselectricalsupplies.com
Upstate Companies I, LLC
- Tim Hungerford
1690 State Hwy 8
Mount Upton, NY 13809 - Work: (607) 867-4025
- Mobile: (607) 287-5731
- timh@upstatecompany.com
Silverline Construction Inc
- Nikki Kelley
4299 Newtown Rd
Burdett, NY 14818 - Work: (607) 546-8289
- Mobile: (607) 742-1169
- nikki@silverlineconstruct.net
A. Treffeisen & Son, LLC
- Kevin Treffeisen
204 Roundhouse Road
Oneonta, NY 13820 - Work: (607) 432-1655
- kevint@atreffeisenandson.com
KOBO Utility Construction
- Malisa Fearing
4 Victory Drive
Sandwich, MA 02563 - Work: (804) 313-7746
- malisa.fearing@koboutility.com
Peter Downes and Son Inc.
- Harry Bargmann
80 Airport Rd
West Milford, NY 07480 - Work: (201) 962-7665
- Fax: (973) 728-5180
- Home: (201) 962-7665
- Mobile: (862) 289-5562
- harry@peterdownesandson.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Jim Joy
5835 State Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 724-4062
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 794-9593
- jjoy@marcyexcavation.com