Canandaigua Airport - AWOS Replacement
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Rochester Earth Inc
- Andrew vieira Vieira
Rochester Earth Inc.
PO BOX 170
n chili, NY 14514 - Work: (585) 303-0119
- andrew@rocearthinc.com
Atlantic Testing Laboratories
- Stefanie Taplin
3495 Winton Place - Bldg. B
Rochester, NY 14623 - Work: (585) 427-9020 Ext. 2508
- Mobile: (585) 351-1228
- staplin@atlantictesting.com
MRS Airfield Lights & Supplies, LLC
- Shelly Schindewolf
48 Main Street
Waretown, NJ 08758 - Work: (609) 259-5720
- Fax: (609) 259-2152
- shelly@mrselectricalsupplies.com
Canandaigua Airport
- Bob Mincer
20 Ontario St. Suite 106b
Canandaigua, NY 14424 - Work: (585) 919-2772
- robert.mincer@ontariocountyny.gov
LRT Outdoor LLC
- Dana Lonthair
600 Fishers Station Drive
Victor, NY 14564 - Work: (585) 857-2939
- lrtoutdoor@gmail.com
DiFiore Construction, Inc.
- Brian DiFiore
155 Pool St.
Rochester, NY 14606 - Work: (585) 235-2310
- Fax: (585) 235-6305
- bdifiore@difioreconstruction.net
Builders Exchange of Rochester
- Nicole Gissendanner
180 Linden Oaks
Rochester, NY 14625 - Work: (585) 586-5460
- Fax: (585) 586-1580
- projects@robex.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Eynon, PA 18403 - Work: (570) 840-2876 Ext. _____
- jjoyce7609@aol.com
Mesotech International, Inc.
- Tanner Landon
2731 Citrus Road, Suite D
RANCHO CORDOVA, CA, CA 95742 - Work: (916) 368-2020
- sales@mesotech.com
DBT Transportation Services
- Candace Spillers-Wood
2655 Crescent Dr, Ste. A-1
Lafayette, CO 80026 - Work: (303) 648-1263
- Fax: (970) 237-3541
- cspillerswood@dbttranserv.com
Federal Aviation Administration
- Ralph Gatto
159-30 Rockaway Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434 - Work: (718) 995-5779
- Fax: (718) 995-5790
- ralph.gatto@faa.gov
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
Tech Services, Inc.
- Andrew Carberry
3258 Grant Road
Po Box 208
Ridgway, PA 15853 - Work: (814) 773-3252
- accounting@tsiridgway.com
Raynor Overhead Door Sales, Inc.
- Darlene Hoyt
SYRACUSE, NY 13209-1847 - Work: (315) 457-9439 Ext. 10
- Fax: (315) 457-2671
- darleneh@raynorsyr.com
Baseline Airport Lighting
- James King
111 Liberty Lane
Barneveld, NY 13304 - Work: (315) 896-6106
- Fax: (315) 896-8584
- baselinekingcorp@gmail.com
KOBO Utility Construction
- Malisa Fearing
4 Victory Drive
Sandwich, MA 02563 - Work: (804) 313-7746
- malisa.fearing@koboutility.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Nolan Smith
5835 State Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 724-4062
- Mobile: (315) 717-6534
- nsmith@marcyexcavation.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Rick Whitney
5835 Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 235-3781
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 401-2661
- rwhitney@marcyexcavation.com