St. Marys Municipal Airport Contract 2024-01 - Terminal Rehabilitation and Upgrades
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Miller-Thomas-Gyekis, Inc.
- Jordon Sokolow
3341 Stafford Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15204 - Work: (412) 331-4610
- Fax: (412) 331-8871
- Mobile: (412) 706-2969
- jordon.sokolow@mtgroof.com
Bucktail Excavators, Inc.
- Gerald Belsole
282 Belsole Rd
St. Marys, PA 15857 - Work: (814) 781-1429
- Fax: (814) 834-7869
- Home: (814) 781-1429
- Mobile: (814) 594-9090
- bucktailsmp@gmail.com
Fred L. Burns, Inc.
- Liz Nickerson
269 McClain Watson Road
Shippenville, PA 16254 - Work: (814) 226-4582
- Fax: (814) 226-6308
- lnickerson@fredlburns.com
Eurovia Atlantic Coast LLC, dba Northeast Paving
- Charles Sprouse
290 Bilmar Drive, 2nd Floor
Pittsburgh, PA 15205 - Work: (412) 539-0918
- Fax: (412) 875-3395
- Mobile: (412) 287-9303
- chuck.sprouse@eurovia.us
Bob Cummins Construction
- Bob Cummins Construction
50 East Songbird rd
Bradford, PA 16701 - Work: (814) 368-7427
- Fax: (814) 362-6226
- office@bobcumminsconstruction.com
Hallstrom-Clark Electric Inc.
- Al Franklin
39 South Franklin Street
Dubois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 375-6970
- Fax: (814) 375-6972
- Mobile: (814) 591-3622
- al@hcemail.com
Blackridge Research & consulting
- Venkatesh Siva
4041 w Hollow Creek Drive,
Peoria , IL 61615 - Work: (917) 993-7467
- Fax: (917) 993-7467
- venkatesh@blackridgeresearch.com
HRI, Inc.
- HRI Estimating
1750 West College Avenue
State College, PA 16801 - Work: (814) 238-5071
- Mobile: (814) 636-7720
- estimating@hriinc.com
Hranec Sheet Metal, Inc.
- Fred Meucci
763 Route 21
Uniontown, PA 15400-1 - Work: (724) 437-2211
- Fax: (724) 437-2233
- fred@hranec.com
Tech Services, Inc.
- Andrew Carberry
3258 Grant Road
Po Box 208
Ridgway, PA 15853 - Work: (814) 773-3252
- accounting@tsiridgway.com
Glenn O Hawbaker Inc.
- Taylor Hawbaker
1952 Waddle Road
State College, PA 16803 - Work: (814) 272-0837
- tph@goh-inc.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Rick Whitney
5835 Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 235-3781
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 401-2661
- rwhitney@marcyexcavation.com
Hallstrom Construction
- Joshua Brem
101 East Long Ave
Dubois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 371-4334
- Fax: (814) 371-8674
- Mobile: (814) 661-5001
- jbrem@hallstromconstruction.com
Hallstrom Construction Inc
- Brian Ganoe
101 East Long Ave
DuBois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 371-4334
- Fax: (814) 371-8674
- Mobile: (814) 591-3248
- bganoe@hallstromconstruction.com
Altoona Builders Exchange
- Amber Parisi
1927 Union Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601 - Work: (814) 944-5444
- aparisi@altoonabx.com
- Mary Donaldson
P.O. BOX 368
CLARION, PA 16214 - Work: (814) 226-9361
- Fax: (814) 226-9066
- mdonaldson@paloinc.com
Overdorf Snyder Mechanical, Inc
- Justin J Overdorf
601 East DuBois Avenue, Suite 100
DuBois, PA 15801 - Work: (181) 450-3185 Ext. 0
- cljosmi@hotmail.com
- Todd McConnell
PITTSBURG, PA 15238 - Work: (724) 625-1505
- Home: (814) 573-7549
- Mobile: (724) 651-1174
- todd.mcconnell@russellstandard.com
Acro Solutions LLC
- Peter Wilson
6401 Eldorado Pkwy, Suite 410, McKinney, TX - 75070
McKinney, TX 75071 - Work: (254) 232-4148
- Mobile: (254) 232-4034
- peter@acrosol.org
axtell's pavement solutions llc
- renee axtell
261 carey rd
scott twp, PA 18433 - Work: (570) 840-4168
- Fax: (570) 254-8140
- apsinc41@gmail.com
Allegheny Construction Group, Inc.
- Anne Geraud
100 Commercial Street
PO Box 425
Bridgeville, PA 15017 - Work: (412) 221-0500
- Fax: (412) 221-0188
- ageraud@acginc.com
Stallion mechanical
- Justin Angeletti
7451 coal hill rd
Luthersburg, PA 15848 - Work: (814) 590-0530
- Stallionmechanical@comcast.net
KTH Architects, Inc.
- Ethan Hine
1741 Kiwanis Trail
DuBois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 371-1541
- Mobile: (814) 590-4484
- ehine@ktharch.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Darlene Baker-Mann
4300 Beltway Place, Ste# 150
Arlington, TX 76018 - Work: (413) 548-8188
- Fax: (609) 336-2767
- dodge.docs@construction.com
IA Construction Corporation
- Thomas Xander
24 Gibb Road
Franklin, PA 16323 - Work: (814) 432-3184 Ext. 3108
- Fax: (814) 432-2460
- Mobile: (814) 758-5484
- txander@iaconstruction.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Swank construction Company, LLC
- Bob Esposito
632 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068 - Work: (724) 335-6000
- Mobile: (610) 842-8036
- Bobe@swankco.com
Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier
- Builder's Exchange of the Southern Tier
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- Fax: (607) 771-7001
- info@bxstier.com
Swank Construction Company, LLC
- Sonya Schultheis
632 Hunt Valley Circle
New Kensington, PA 15068 - Work: (724) 335-6000
- Fax: (724) 335-3834
- Mobile: (724) 323-7350
- sonya@swankco.com
KTH Architects, Inc.
- Debbie Maines
1741 Kiwanis Trail
DuBois, PA 15801 - Work: (814) 371-1541
- dmaines@ktharch.com
Pennsylvania Builders Exchange
- Karen Kleber
1813 North Franklin Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15233 - Work: (412) 922-4200
- Fax: (412) 928-9406
- karen@pbe.org
Prime Vendor Inc
- Kim Jones
4622 Cedar Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403 - Work: (800) 746-9554
- Fax: (800) 746-9554
- bids1@prime-vendor.com
Hi-Lite Airfield Services, LLC
- Taylor Sinclair
20128 NY12F
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 583-6111
- Home: (315) 583-6111
- taylor.sinclair@hi-lite.com
Color-Ad, Inc.
- David Shourds
7200 Gary Road
Manassas, VA 20109 - Work: (703) 631-9100
- Fax: (703) 631-7849
- Mobile: (757) 328-6808
- dshourds@color-ad.com
O. H. Striping, Inc.
- Jeffrey Bly
11217 River Road
Corning, NY 14830 - Work: (607) 377-9343
- Fax: (607) 358-4071
- o.h.striping@gmail.com
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com