Ogdensburg International Airport Gateway Improvements Terminal Renovations
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
- Robert Costa
159-30 Rockaway Blvd
Jamaica, NY 11434 - Work: (718) 995-5778
- Fax: (718) 995-5790
- robert.costa@faa.gov
Burns Bros Contractors
- Nichole Warner
400 Leavenworth Ave
Syracuse, NY 13212-2317 - Work: (315) 380-6866
- Mobile: (315) 380-6866
- nwarner@bbcontractors.com
- Sonya Martin
PO Box 607
SYRACUSE, NY 13204 - Work: (131) 526-8003 Ext. 4
- smartin@bbcontractors.com
New York Technologies Corp
- Preston Clark
3737 new court ave
Syracuse , FL 13206 - Work: (315) 432-1917
- Jcnytech@msn.com
Fennick McCredie Architecture
- Fen Chen
70 Franklin Street
Boston, MA 02110 - Work: (617) 671-0979
- fchen@fmarchitecture.com
Koysman Engineering PLLC
- David Koysman
68 34th St
Suite B-431
Brooklyn, NY 11232 - Work: (718) 644-9370
- dkoysman@koysman.com
Ogdensburg Bridge and Port Authority
- James Chase
1 Bridge Plaza
Ogdensburg, NY 13669 - Work: (315) 393-4080
- Mobile: (315) 528-4760
- jchase@ogdensport.com
- Francis Racioppi
4-74 48th Ave
Apt 24J
Long Island City, NY 11109 - Work: (617) 694-6321
- Mobile: (617) 694-6321
- fran@frsix.com
BASiX Automation Integrators
- Emily Cicerchi
10 Crosby Road
Dover, NH 03820 - Work: (603) 610-6996
- estimating@basixai.com
Artisan Millwork, LLC
- Peter Sparling
750 School Street
Pawtucket, RI 02860 - Work: (401) 721-5500
- Fax: (401) 721-5504
- peter.sparling@artisanri.com
Timber Systems
- Kristin Riedel
162 S. Saginaw St.
Lapeer, MI 48446 - Work: (810) 245-6212
- kriedel@timbersystems.com
Intivity Inc.
- Ryan Haley
6804 Manlius Center Rd
East Syracuse, NY 13057 - Work: (315) 440-5393
- rhaley@intivity.com
Tech services Inc
- Andrew Carberry
3258 grant rd
Ridgway, PA 15853 - Work: (814) 773-3252
- Mobile: (814) 590-6338
- carberry15@gmail.com
USI Integrated Solutions
- John Shiels
175 Federal St.
Boston, MA 02110 - Work: (617) 874-0962
- jshiels@usisecurity.com
- Charlie McCann
5700 Keaton Crescent
Mississauga, ON L5R 3H5 - Work: (437) 992-3379
- cmccann@arconas.com
TSV Family Inc.
- Terry Dewey
80 Beadle Rd
Spencerport, NY 14420 - Work: (585) 626-4080
- TerryD@TSVfamilybuilders.com
Hi Way Safety Systems, Inc.
- Kathy DeLong
9 Rockview Way
Rockland, MA 02370 - Work: (781) 982-9229
- Fax: (781) 982-9226
- bids@hiwayss.com
Derry Construction Co., Inc.
- Michael Sulkosky Jr
527 Route 217
Latrobe, PA 15650 - Work: (724) 539-7600 Ext. 14
- Fax: (724) 694-2844
- Mobile: (724) 502-0078
- mike@derryconstruction.com
O. H. Striping, Inc.
- Jeffrey Bly
11217 River Road
Corning, NY 14830 - Work: (607) 377-9343
- Fax: (607) 358-4071
- o.h.striping@gmail.com
Menard USA
- Nathan McLean
351 South Warren St
Ste 245
Syracuse, NY 13202 - Work: (315) 218-9460
- nmclean@menardusa.com
SPB Painting
- scott burgess
5695 Stevens Drive
Cicero, NY 13039 - Work: (315) 383-2022
- spbpainting@aol.com
- sharon sauer
GLENFIELD, NY 13343 - Work: (315) 376-2877
- Mobile: (315) 406-0230
- ssauer.npc@frontier.com
Nucor Fab Northeast
- Lizette Strait
73 Old State Road
S. Deerfield , MA 01373 - Work: (413) 512-2126
- Mobile: (518) 810-6524
- lizette.strait@nucor.com
Pike Construction Services
- Mark Hedberg
1 Circle Street
Rochester, NY 14607 - Work: (585) 271-5256
- hedbm@pikecs.com
Burns Bros Contractors LLC
- Jon Jones
7504 US Highway 11 Potsdam, NY 13676
Potsdam, NY, NY 13676 - Work: (315) 268-0034
- Jones@bbcontractors.com
Murnane Building Contractors, Inc.
- Patrick Murnane, II
104 Sharron Ave.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - Work: (518) 561-4010
- Fax: (518) 561-5926
- pmurnane2@murnanebuilding.com
North America Procurement Council
- Lyra de Asis
PO Box 40445
Grand Junction, CO 81504 - Work: (302) 450-1923
- Fax: (302) 450-1923
- lyra@napc.me
VRH Construction
- Tim Karl
320 Grand Ave
Englewood, NJ 07631-4335 - Work: (201) 871-4422 Ext. 208
- Mobile: (551) 219-7251
- t.karl@vrhcorp.com
Tri-State Clearing and Tree Service
- Hunter Bruner
2402 Olmstead Road
Bloomfield, NY 14469-9519 - Work: (585) 485-0032
- Fax: (585) 485-0036
- Mobile: (315) 416-0682
- hbruner@tristatects.com
Brex Enterprises
- Andrew Vaughan
2 Main St.
Irwin, PA 15642 - Work: (724) 515-7310
- Home: (724) 515-7310
- Mobile: (724) 708-8037
- a.vaughan@brexenterprises.com
Ligonier Construction
- Josh Marsh
1350 Route 30
Laughlintown, PA 15655 - Work: (724) 238-4782
- jam@ligonierconstruction.com
Skelly Contractors, Inc.
- Edward Skelly
5878 State Highway 68
P.O. Box 541
Ogdensburg, NY 13669 - Work: (315) 393-3900
- Mobile: (315) 528-6184
- skellycontractors@nnymail.com
Danko Construction
- Justin Blanchard
PO Box 239
Massena, NY 13662 - Work: (315) 769-5508
- Fax: (315) 764-0361
- Mobile: (315) 250-7381
- justin@dankoconstruction.com
Northern Tier Contracting, Inc.
- Kennedy Hayden-McGill
329A Scotch Settlement Road
Gouverneur, NY 13642 - Work: (315) 287-0208
- Fax: (315) 287-0797
- kennedy@ntcnny.com
Structural Associates, Inc.
- Tracy Gunderson
20707 County Rte 200
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 779-8878
- Fax: (315) 779-9588
- tgunderson@structuralassociates.com
Next Era Contracting, Inc.
- Jessica Jacques
497 Water Street
North Lawrence, NY 12967 - Work: (315) 753-4703
- Mobile: (518) 521-7424
- jessica@nexteracontractinginc.com
Barrett Paving Materials
- Ian McGuire
26572 NYS Rt 37
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 788-2037
- Fax: (315) 786-0748
- Mobile: (315) 783-4916
- imcguire@barrettpaving.com
Next Era Contracting Inc
- michael emlaw
506 south River road
ST. Regis Falls, NY 12980 - Work: (315) 244-6565 Ext. 1
- Home: (315) 244-6565
- Mobile: (315) 244-6565
- mike@nexteracontractinginc.com
- John Kellogg
800 Starbuck Ave
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 775-1213
- john@blackhorsegroup.us
- Construct Connect
3825 Edwards Rd.
STE 800
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- content@constructconnect.com
Ontario HVAC Solutions Inc.
- Bill Lawler
P.O. Box 9
16900 Rt 12F
Dexter, NY 13622 - Work: (315) 639-3068
- Mobile: (315) 778-9858
- bill@ontariohvacsolutions.com
Perras Excavating, Inc.
- Daniel Dinneen
1909 State Highway 420
Massena, NY 13662 - Work: (315) 769-5900
- Fax: (315) 764-1049
- Mobile: (315) 250-0230
- pex@perrascompanies.com
Empire Building Diagnostics
- Timothy OKeefe
400 Ingham Ave
Lackawanna, NY 14218 - Work: (716) 425-8660
- TimothyO@ebdinc.com
DC Building Systems
- Bob Porter
19086 US Route 11
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 785-9884
- Fax: (315) 785-9767
- rporter@dc-buildingsystems.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Rick Whitney
5835 Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 235-3781
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 401-2661
- rwhitney@marcyexcavation.com
Northern New York Builders Exchange
- Phil Reed
22074 Fabco Road
Watertown, NY 13601 - Work: (315) 788-1330
- Fax: (315) 788-9357
- info@nnybe.com
Marcy Excavation Services, LLC
- Jim Joy
5835 State Route 5
Herkimer, NY 13350 - Work: (315) 724-4062
- Fax: (315) 724-5099
- Mobile: (315) 794-9593
- jjoy@marcyexcavation.com