PIN 9009.43-Vestal High School Pedestrian Improvement Project
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
Binghamton Road Electric LLC
- Vaughn Ellsworth
170 East Service Rd
Binghamton , NY 13901 - Work: (607) 778-1788
- Fax: (607) 778-1790
- vaughn@brellcny.com
B&G Sealcoating LLC
- Greg McMurray
402 Airport Rd
Endicott, NY 13760 - Work: (607) 743-3254
- greg@bgsealcoating.com
S&R Corporation
- Linda Tardiff
706 Broadway Street
Lowell , MA 01854-3266 - Work: (978) 441-2000 Ext. 439
- Fax: (978) 441-3002
- ltardiff@sandrcorp.com
Vacri Construction Company
- Roberto DeVincentis
One Brick Avenue
Binghamton, NY 13901 - Work: (607) 723-4319
- Fax: (607) 723-9539
- VacriConstruction@OneBrickAvenue.com
North America Procurement Council
- Lyra de Asis
PO Box 40445
Grand Junction, CO 81504 - Work: (302) 450-1923
- Fax: (302) 450-1923
- lyra@napc.me
BASiX Automation Integrators
- Emily Cicerchi
10 Crosby Road
Dover, NH 03820 - Work: (603) 610-6996
- estimating@basixai.com
American Precast Industries
- Thomas McConnell
51 Glassworks Dr.
PO Box 829
Clarion, PA 16214 - Work: (814) 316-2754
- tmcconnell@americanprecastindustries.com
Power and Construction Group
- Joe Calcagno
96 W River road
Scottsville, NY 14569 - Work: (585) 202-7830
- Mobile: (585) 202-7830
- jcalcagno@pandcg.com
Prime Vendor Inc
- Kim Jones
4622 Cedar Avenue
Wilmington, NC 28403 - Work: (800) 746-9554
- Fax: (800) 746-9554
- bids1@prime-vendor.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Procon Contracting
- John Reilly
PO Box 1037
Vestal, NY 13851 - Work: (607) 748-8331
- Fax: (607) 748-8331
- procon1037@aol.com
Horizon Engineering, LLC
Pennsburg, PA 18073 - Work: (267) 923-8673
- lconnell@horizonengineers.com
ZMK Construction Inc.
- Kyle Brame
3430 Route 434
Apalachin, NY 13732 - Work: (607) 687-0981
- Fax: (607) 687-1485
- kbrame@zmkconst.com
Builders Exchange of the Southern Tier
- Builder's Exchange of the Southern Tier
15 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 771-7000
- Fax: (607) 771-7001
- info@bxstier.com
Broome Bituminous Products, INC.
- Michael Fernald
P.O. Box 354
Vestal, NY 13851 - Work: (607) 729-0948
- mfernald@broomebituminous.com
N.A Manosh Inc
- Nick manosh
120 Northgate Plaza
Morrisville, VT 05661 - Work: (802) 888-5722 Ext. _____
- Fax: (802) 888-4681
- Home: (802) 888-9111
- Mobile: (802) 279-3991
- nickm@manosh.com
G. DeVincentis & Son
- John Steed
7 Belden Street
Binghamton, NY 13903 - Work: (607) 723-9971 Ext. _____
- Fax: (607) 723-9964
- jsteed@gdvconstruction.com
Northeastern Striping Corp
- Joe Carosella
424 MAIN ST,
VESTAL, NY 13850 - Work: (607) 785-1180
- Fax: (607) 757-0090
- Mobile: (607) 761-7010
- stripejoe@aol.com
East Coast Signals, Inc.
- Alan Pelletier
69 North Road
DEERFIELD, NH 03037 - Work: (603) 463-5450 Ext. 209
- Fax: (603) 463-5451
- Mobile: (603) 765-8757
- apelletier@eastcoastsignals.com
Bothar Construction
- Bill Terrell
170 E Service Rd
Binghamton, NY 13901 - Work: (607) 723-5012
- Fax: (607) 723-4982
- bill@botharconst.com
Millennium Construction
- Eric Thuman
8320 Quarry Road
Niagara Falls, NY 14304 - Work: (716) 930-2004
- eric@mci2010.com