Grove City Airport Contract No.14 - Construct Hangar Site Prep & Parking Lot Relocation
The contact list below represents the current plan holders for this project. Most recent holder names will display at the top of the list.
- David Trujillo Reyes
One Plaza 55 Broadway
NY, NY 10006 - Work: (646) 309-7534
- david.trujillo@gleeds.com
Kutchins & Groh, LLC
- Darren Persick
400 Poydras St, Suite 1380
New Orleans, LA 70130 - Work: (504) 799-4098
- darren@kutchins-groh.com
AIA Alera Group
- Kristen Pedrick
4550 Lena Drive
Mechanicsburg, PA 17055 - Work: (717) 506-3220
- kristen.shive@aleragroup.com
HiWay Safety Systems, Inc
- Lynne Murphy
9 Rockview Way
Rockland, MA 02370 - Work: (781) 982-9229
- lmurphy@hiwayss.com
Lindy Paving, Inc
- Joe Fortuna
1807 Shenango Road
New Galilee, PA 16141 - Work: (724) 336-1400
- Fax: (724) 336-1401
- lindyest@lindypaving.com
J&T Paving, Inc
108 grant st
GREENVILLE, PA 16125 - Work: (724) 588-0901
- jtpaving@yahoo.com
- Henri Bradshaw
3825 Edwards Road
Cincinnati, OH 45209 - Work: (800) 364-2059
- Fax: (800) 364-2059
- hbradshaw@isqft.com
Luck Brothers, Inc.
- Jamie Hemingway
73 Trade Rd.
Plattsburgh, NY 12901 - Work: (518) 561-4321
- Fax: (518) 561-8462
- jamie@luckbros.com
North America Procurement Council
- Lyra de Asis
PO Box 40445
Grand Junction, CO 81504 - Work: (302) 450-1923
- Fax: (302) 450-1923
- lyra@napc.me
Glenn O. Hawbaker Inc.
- Brandon McDowell
1952 Waddle Rd
Suite 203
State College, PA 16803 - Work: (814) 237-1444
- Mobile: (814) 577-4574
- bjm@goh-inc.com
Mealy Excavating & Construction, Inc.
- Dawn Mealy
128 Lake Lucy Rd
Tionesta, PA 16353 - Work: (814) 354-2311
- dmmealy@mealyinc.com
Dodge Data & Analytics
- Jayalakshmi Loganathan
830 3rd Avenue, 6th floor
New York, NY 10022 - Work: (877) 903-1909 Ext. 1
- Fax: (877) 847-3512
- Jayalakshmil@construction.com
Altoona Builders Exchange
- Amber Parisi
1927 Union Avenue
Altoona, PA 16601 - Work: (814) 944-5444
- aparisi@altoonabx.com
Pennwest Specialized Contracting, Inc.
- Doug Atwell
628 Barkeyville Road
Grove City, PA 16127 - Work: (724) 992-1781
- Fax: (724) 458-8187
- Mobile: (724) 992-1781
- datwell@pennwestinc.com